i have the BEST MOM ever!

Do you ever have those days where you realized how truly blessed you are?! Today was definitely one of those days for me because I shared some quality time with my madre!

My mom has always been a superb mom…from the time I was little I have always loved spending time with her and our one-on-one time (though rare) is seriously always the best! We have a pretty open relationship, especially after going through all my issues these past few years and so our convos are generally open, honest, and heartfelt.

We also love to joke around, so we always are laughing when we are together! And today was no exception!

Momma had the week off because she is a teacher and the school is on spring break, hence my entire family got to sleep in, go on bike rides, eat yummy food, watch crap tv, lay out, and RELAX while I was stuck slaving away at work! Can you tell I’m a tad bitter haha Anyways, my mom came to my work to pick me up and we got  lunch at a cute little place called Beachwood BBQ. They have the most delicious foods and we ended up splitting a ginormous salad that had goat cheese, dried blueberries, butternut squash, pumpkin seeds, and a vanilla infused vinaigrette that was to die for!

We also got 3 side dishes to split as well..you can do this thing where you pick 3 of their sides and you get little mini versions of them! SO BOMB! We got the smoked asparagus, maple glazed carrots, and vanilla walnut yams and they were all delicioso!

I should have taken pics, but I didn’t! Boo, I need to get better at whippin’ out the cam!

Anywho, on to my recent eats and workouts…

Last night I was in charge of the troops (aka my little brother and sister), so I whipped up some of my homemade mac n’cheese!

thursday dinner 1 

thursday dinner 2

thursday dinner 3

Mac N’ Cheese Recipe:

  1. Boil water, then add noodles (i used 1/2 box of shell pasta)
  2. Once noodles are cooked (about 10-15 min.), drain and pour into a baking dish
  3. Next add 2 scoops sour cream, 2 large scoops cottage cheese, 1 cup parmesan cheese, 1.5 cups shredded cheddar cheese and stir everything up (these measurments are versatile, so just make sure you use enough of each ingredient to get all the pasta coated in the cheesy mixture)
  4. Finally, top with bread crumbs & more shredded cheese
  5. Pop in the oven and bake until everything is melty (about 15 min.)

Yum! This dish is good when you need to feed a lot of people quickly! Also, is very versatile…so other seasonings and maybe some veggies could be added to mix things up a little 🙂

On the side I roasted some veggies (precut mix from Trader Joes) that I topped with olive oil, salt, pepper, and paprika….and cut up a fresh pineapple to enjoy as well!

Such a kid friendly and delicious meal..plus plenty of leftovers for tonight!

This morning I did my now “usual” spin class and we did some hill work that seriously kicked my butt! I finished up with some light dumbbell work and am thinking of taking a nice easy walk this afternoon after work since it is SO nice out!

Breakfast was overnight oats..my classic mix with dried cherries, apple, strawberry, cinnamon, and honey on top!

friday breakfast

Ah and I forgot to post yesterday’s lunch…so here it is!

thursday lunch 2

Pre made salad from Trader Joes..I am loving the premade stuff…makes packing a lunch that much easier!

And also a side of veggies…

thursday lunch

I am trying to up my vegetable intake because all I currently eat is fruit, fruit, and more fruit! So trying to swap some snacks with veggies to get more servings in!

Anyways, hope everyone has a nice weekend and I will catch up with you Monday 🙂

squats will be the death of me.

hey everyone! so let me first start with last night’s workout…I did my 40 min. workout that I had planned. Legs were a tad sore, so my incline was sometimes less than I had posted and the last sprints I lowered to 7.0, instead of 7.5 speed. My grand total looked like this…

week 3 wednesday workout

After my time on the treadmill it was time to tackle the squats I had been putting off since Monday!!! I happened to run into my sister while I was there and she said she would do the squats with me because I was feeling kinda embarassed to be doing them on the mats alone (I hate people staring at me and so I think this is the main reason I put off squats for so long!). Anyways, with my handy dandy squat partner in toe I ended up doing all of my planned squats (ended up being like 120 squats in all!!!) and they freaking killed!!! Like I could barely walk after! That shiz was intense!! haha I am seriously blown away and my legs today feel crazy sore! But I will take that as a good thing and hopefully with time squats won’t be as killer!!

Last night for dinner I made some fresh green beans, topped them with marinara sauce, and also boiled some goat cheese & sundried tomato ravioli..but being that I have a love/hate relationship with goat cheese..the ravioli last night ended up being a bust and I instead ate the green beans and like 5 raviolis..it was ok and I guess part of life is trying new things, at least now I know not to buy that type of ravioli again? haha bright side maybe?

Next up is my eats so far this morning..let me start with this gem

week 3 thursday strabucks

I usually take my little brother to school, but today my mom did and so I was able to make a stop at the drive-thru Starbucks, which was awesome! I didn’t even have to step out of the car to enjoy a wonderfully warm latte! #spoiledmuch?

Now on to breakfast…as you all know by now I am addicted to overnight oats and was trying to branch out this week with new breakfast options. I had done well so far, and had even made a yogurt parfait last night to have as breakfast today, but then I went back and made it into overnight oats like 20 minutes later!! The addition of rolled oats, chia seeds, and sunbutter into my yogurt definitely made for one happy camper this morning!!

week 3 thursday breakfast close up

Seriously..I think I have a problem! I just can’t seem to get enough of this beauty of a breakfast!!!

Snack was an apple and some blueberry green tea…

week 3 thursday snack

side note..this apple was ginormous!! Like bigger than a softball!! My little brother knows my love of apples and last night he came home from the store with my mom and was bursting with excitement to show me these HUGE apples he got for us!! haha it is moments like that that seriously make me love that kid!

week 3 thursday tea

And last but not least..even though my legs were a burnin’ I was able to do some elliptical and arm work this morning which ended up looking something like this…

march 21 workout

Okie dokes, well I am off to lunch now! I will post my Thursday “Things to Make Ya’ll Smile” post later!! Enjoy your afternoons everybody 🙂