livin’ the froyo lyfeeee.

hi everyone!!

Time to recap my weekend and the start of my week!

Well, we can start by saying that I have in fact had frozen yogurt 4 times in the past week! I am on this new boat where I basically want it every night and then I have to limit myself because I will go broke if I keep it up at the rate I am going! But, like only picture this weakened was one of froyooo!!!!


I believe this mix had peanut butter, banana, and vanilla froyo..mixed with strawberries, cookie dough bites, cheesecake bites, and my new fave topping….fruity pebbles!! Seriously guys…they even go good on the more chocolaty flavors!

Um, basically this weekend I spent Friday night with some yogurtland and a movie w/ friends.

Then Saturday I hit the gym for 25 minutes of spin and some ab work. Then, I volunteered at my little brother’s school fair because my parents couldn’t go to the shift they signed up for…aren’t I such a good daughter?! I sold ride tickets and the 3 hours actually ended up going by fairly quickly!

Then, Saturday afternoon I got some lunch with the mom and seesters…then I went on a late afternoon run and did about 4 miles. However, it was late in the afternoon and HOT outside and I was still full from lunch and didn’t do a scenic route…so run kinda sucked! But, I did finish it up at the baseball field where my little bro had a game and so I got to watch him play for about an hour, which was nice! I love sitting in the park and watching baseball games, so relaxing! Especially after such a bad run!

Saturday night I had plans to go to dinner and movie, but my friend canceled last minute…so I threw on my sweats, got me some froyo and started watching Downtown Abbey! I am officially hooked on the show…and it is only getting better with each episode!

Sunday morning I met up with a friend for breakfast where I got the best French Toast eva!!!! I talked about it before, but it is basically a baguette filled w/ mascarpone cheese and topped with whipped cream and berries!! SOOOO good!

After breakfast, I hit up Target with the parentals…then got lunch with mom and sister again! Finally, I napped and then drove up to LA to meet up with some college friends who were doing a little healthy living party. They did a presentation on this awesome vitamin called Juice Plus, which basically is the pressed nutrients of tons of fruits and veggies all in one small capsule! Super cool and I am definitely going to be giving this a whirl!

Alright…now on to Monday! My day started with this…

monday breakfast

blackberries, banana, strawberries, coconut, all over greek yogurt! Yum!

Then, progressed to this…

monday lunch

Sunbutter, Strawberry Jelly, Banana Sammy…with side of berries!

Also, not pictured were some animal cookies..the pink and white ones aka the best  cookie ever!!!

Finally, my day ended with this…

monday dinner

Chicken/Apple Sausage, Brussel Sprouts, Sweet Taters, Carrots, Celery, Mushroom, Onion, topped w/ hummus…yummmalicious! and full of veggies!

My produce was about to go bad…so I simply sautéed a ton of veggies up, then added the sausage and hummus for a yummy fridge cleaning dinna!

I went to spin class last night…but I was kind of feeling weird and had some stomach cramps, so I cut class a little early and stretched out before heading home! Sometimes you just have to listen to your body and my body was telling me to take a chill pill last night!

This morning I woke up early and hit the gym..I got in 5 miles in 55 minutes incorporating some incline walking and building speed as workout went on!

tuesday workout

I also did about 15 minutes of abs and am thinking of trying to do a little arm workout later..maybe try and come up with a 10 minute mini workout…but we will see!

Breakfast this morning was some overnight oats topped w/ banana, kiwi, blackberries, & coconut!

tuesday breakfast

tuesday breakfast 2

Yum! And so far it is doing a good job of keeping me full an satisfied!

I have plans to go to a street fair and grab din with some friends tonight…so I will try and snap some pics so I can show you them tomorrow!!! Hope everyone had a nice weekend and is having a good week so far! I will talk to you all soon 🙂

my advice for how to be happy in life…



haha today we had an office birthday, which meant wonderfully delicious ice cream cake!!! I know I had you all excited to hear about some magic formula for how to be happy in life…but I think that eating cake is one step in the right direction! Definitely improved my afternoon!

It is also my wonderful mother’s birthday today…and so that means more cake later!!! I also want to take a moment to wish my momma a very happy birthday! She has been the one person who always stayed by my side and she continues to be my role model and best friend to this day! Love you mommmmyyy!!

pic of mom

Damn..she was a cutie patootie in her day! Wait, scratch that…she still is! haha

Anyways, on to my workouts and eats for last night and today!

Last night I went to spin class with my sissy..and though the music was interesting…to say the least (think drum beat rhythms that made you feel like you were being chased through the jungle by a leopard….I know I have an active imagination haha) but the workout was great! And I left a sweaty mess, which is always a good thing after a workout!

Dinner last night was a sweet potato & some sautéed broccoli…

I simply washed the sweet potato, poked some holes in it, then microwaved it for 4 minutes on high…topped it with some coconut butter, salt, and cinnamon! It was so good!! And quick…definitely need to make that more often! On the side was broccoli that I cooked in 1 tsp. coconut oil and topped with salt/pepper/& paprika!

tuesday dinner

I also got yogurtland with a friend after dinner, so that’s why my meal wasn’t ginormous!

This morning I hit up the gym since I knew I had to be home early for momma’s bday dinner!

I did 41 minutes on the treadmill…I will post the workout tomorrow because it was a good hill climb/interval workout that has you build on speed and incline as the workout progressed!

wednesday morning workout

Breakfast this morning was a yogurt & sandwich thin topped with cream cheese and orange favoriteeeee!!!

yogurt 2

toast whole

yogurt 1

toast half

Very good and filling breakfast!

Then, lunch today was a sort of “bistro box” if you will that consisted of snap peas, carrots, grape tomatoes, hummus, cheese, pita bread, and cashews! This is a great idea because it packs a lot of variety, protein, and staying power for sure!

wednesday lunch

wednesday lunch carrot closeup


wednesday lunch pea closeup

Alrighty folks, that concludes my recent activities!

My plan for the gym tomorrow is going to be something like 20 min. on stairclimber, 15 min. elliptical work, & 10 min. treadmill…followed by some squats & arms!

I will give you the detailed workout tomorrow (and also post today’s treadmill workout!). Hope everyone has nice Wednesday evenings!!! Talk to you all soon 🙂

And remember…cake=happiness 🙂

things to make ya’ll smile!




funny owl cat pic

So I decided to do a “Smile, It’s Almost The Weekend!” post every Thursday afternoon, so hopefully this will give everyone something to look forward to!

Anyways, on to my lunch today which was…

lunch week 2 thursday

Pretty self explanatory, I had some cashews on the side as well! I was famished by the time lunch rolled around and it took everything in me to eat slowly and savor my lunch! I also have been drinking a lot of water today! And had coffee/tea as well!

This evening I am planning on going out with some friends, but since I do have work tomorrow I am going to keep it a low key night and will not be staying out too late! See everyone tomorrow..enjoy your Thursday evening knowing that there is only one more day until the weekend! OH YEAH!

staying away from the scale & numbers…

bored 3 Oh hey everybody..just wanted to include a selfie so you can think of this smiling face saying good morning! haha

But really, this post is a little serious and is going to focus on my recent freak out. During my eating disorder I become obsessed with how much I weighed and what size I wore. Being my height and build throughout high school I had weighed roughly 130 pounds due to my high levels of activity ( I swam for both my school and a club team year round!) and had been a size 3-7 depending on where I was shopping and how active I was. Anyways, I never remember my weight being an issue and I pretty much ate whatever I wanted without really thinking about it. I know now I wasn’t eating all that healthy and at times I wasn’t completely happy with my body, but for the most part I was pretty content!

However, when I started losing weight I remember seeing the number on the scale plummet and since I had never been the girl who weighed in the 120s or below I was actually obsessed with keeping my weight very low because I felt that I was supposed to weigh in that range. However, obviously the numbers kept dropping and I was seriously undernourished, even dreaming about food because I was consuming so few calories. My hair was falling out, my teeth yellowing, my skin dry & dull, and no period for years. It was awful…yet every time I weighed myself i was happy when the number was lower than it had been the day before.

Since I have been in recovery I haven’t really weighed myself just because I know how much that number came to mean to me during my worst times. However, lately I had been feeling better and actually let myself look at the scale when my mom weighed me. I wasn’t even that freaked out after I saw it because I knew I was feeling healthier and happier, and that is what is most important to me now. Unfortunately I weighed myself this weekend for no reason and the number kind of freaked me out! It wasn’t like I had gained some crazy amount of weight, but for me it just seemed to be higher than what I had thought it was going to be. Monday I had kind of a bad eating day because I let the number get to my head, but then I was lying in bed thinking about things and I realized I can’t keep doing this to myself. My weight now is healthy and I am in no way fat or overweight at all! My hair is thicker, my skin glows, my teeth are whiter, and I have so much more energy than I did before! I can’t let that number get in the way of all the progress I have made and I am happy to say that I am not going to be weighing myself anytime soon! I am ready to love my body for what it is and what it does, not how much it weighs! I know that if I continue to live a healthy life and fill my body with nutrients and whole foods I will continue to improve my life and will be so much happier in the long run 🙂

Ok, so meals I haven’t posted yet…lunch yesterday

week 2 tuesday lunch


Easy, simple, full of protein, & kept me full! What more can you ask for in a lunch! Also, recently I have been trying to focus on keeping things pretty basic/simple. So less dressings/seasonings/etc. have been my goal and this meal definitely met those qualifications!

Dinner last night was boiled shrimp, an asian kale salad (with almonds/ginger vinaigrette, chives/& crispy wonton pieces), & some steamed carrots w/ a honey drizzle….I didn’t snap a pick because we sat down to dinner as a family last night and no phones or cameras are allowed, but the meal was delicious and very filling!

I also stuck to my planned workout last night, and was super glad I came with a plan because I know I would not have pushed myself that hard if I hadn’t! Unfortunately the stair climbers were occupied the entire time I was at the gym, so I made 10 min. on the elliptical work and then did some serious stretching last night at home!